
How are girl groups related to different nations?  by Supermar on April 20, 2011 at 3:07 am


On April 18th, a topic on an online community board, titled “Comparing Girl Groups’ Nations“, garnered considerable attention. Inside the topic are pictures of SNSD, T-ara, and other girl groups with a country’s flag next to them in relation to their situation.


This netizen started out by putting SNSD with the American flag, the reason being “the strongest in the world right now.” He continued to mention that “KARA could have rivaled SNSD at one point, but they had internal issues.” As a result, KARA is placed next to a picture of the Russian flag, since at one time America and Russia had the most power in the world.



Since Wonder Girls have expanded into overseas nations such as America, this netizen placed them next to a flag of the United Kingdom because it is “a country unbeaten by the ocean,” referring to Britain’s past oversea expansions and spreading English (hook song) to the world.

因為Wonder Girls試著擴張音樂版圖至海外國家,例如美國,因此作者將他們和英國國旗配對。英國是"一個海上強權的國家",回顧英國歷史,它也曾經致力於擴張版圖至海外並將英文(在WG的例子裡是熱門歌曲)帶至世界的舞台。


4minute is known for their sexy performances, and the group is placed next to Brazil for the famous Samba dance.



Due to problems in the past, T-ara has been placed next to the Japanese flag because Japan’s “problems in the past have not been acknowledged,” which drew laughter among netizens.



2NE1 is compared to China because “China is a developing nation that can rival America [SNSD].


fx-miss A-secret.jpg  

f(x) is compared to Canada because it is still economically dependent on America, miss A is compared to Spain because they are passionate and have a mix of different races, Brown Eyed Girls is compared to France, who has experienced the revolution at home and abroad (internally and externally), while SECRET is compared to Italy due to the big gap between rich (big boobs) and poor (small boobs).

f(x)被比喻為加拿大,因為經濟上仍然必須依靠美國;miss A被認為是西班牙,因為他們很熱情而且組合內包含不同種族的成員;Brown Eyed Girls被拿來和法國比較,因為她們已經經歷過包括內部和外部的革命,另一方面,SECRET被選為和義大利相配的國家,是巨大的貧富差距 (身材豐滿和纖細的差距)。



Finally, After School is next to the Indian flag because “India has the the greatest population and economical growth.

最後,After School和印度國旗並列因為"印度擁有世界最大的人口數和經濟成長。"

After reading the descriptions, other netizens commented, “The person who made this is very smart” and “Looking past the jokes, the comparisons are appropriate.

網友對這篇文章評價,"寫出這篇文章的人實在很聰明" "看起來很像玩笑,但比喻都很精準。"

Source: TV Daily via Nate, Indiafiber@6Theory Forums





少時和美國相比... 可見韓國人還是很崇洋的~ 不過美國現在國債已經又創新高,少時可是賺的荷包飽飽阿~
AS被比作印度泡覺得是個亮點^^ 原來人多是個問題阿~ 那男版的話,SJ不就要被比作印度了嗎?? 啊!! 忘了最近又出了個21人的男團... 人海戰術好可怕阿... 一首歌到底能分配到唱幾個字呢??

阿~好想看男版阿~ 還是來個男女綜合版吧~ 最近冒出來的新團太多了,搞得很像春秋戰國時代~ 百家爭鳴?? 不過不知道能在這一片激戰之中脫穎出來的又到底有幾團~


PS, 用別人的電腦覺得連打字都變困難了... 泡這篇打得好痛苦阿~


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