
不知道這到底算是好消息還是壞消息~ 但還是和大家分享一下~ 

David Oh and Kwon Ri Sae complete their first recording for ‘We Got Married’

David Oh 和 Kwon Ri Sae 完成了他們的第一次"我們結婚了"拍攝

by CWK on June 15, 2011 at 11:11 pm

Former “Birth of a Great Star” contestants David Oh and Kwon Ri Sae successfully recorded their first episode for MBC’s “We Got Married“!

前"偉大的誕生"參賽者David Oh和Kwon Ri Sae成功完成的"我們結婚了"的第一集錄製!

A while back, the couple grabbed a lot of attention when fellow contestant Noh Ji Hoon revealed on“Quiz to Change the World” that David Oh had feelings for Kwon Ri Sae.

之前這對夫婦因為另外一位參賽者Noh Ji Hoon 在"改變世界的問題"當中表示David Oh對Kwon Ri Sae有好感的發炎而吸引了許多注意。

For their first recording, the two met at a café in Kangnam and took the time to get to know each other before deciding upon their “marriage”. During their conversation, the topic about David Oh’s supposed one-sided love for Kwon Si Rae came up, and it was cleared once and for all.

他們的第一次錄製在江南的一家咖啡廳碰面,在正式決定開始"婚姻"生活之前他們先花了一些時間來了解彼此。在他們的對談當中,Divid Oh "傳言中"對Kwon Ri Sae的話題也有被討論到,並且得到了一次性的澄清。

The story behind the couple’s first meeting and whether or not they will continue the marriage will all be revealed on the 18th.


Source: Sports Chosun ALLKPOP


不過看來我結至少暫時得要以四對的形式播出了~ 哀~ 放送時間又要減少了..... 


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