
LSAT的Reading Section中包含四篇文章,每一篇文章有5-8個問題,一樣必須在35分鐘之內完成。
上完Jeff老師的Reading剖析課程,泡完全懷疑那之前高中我們唸國文、英文時,那些考卷上的閱讀測驗怎麼從來沒有被當時的老師這樣仔細帶我們研究過呢?? 印象中都是自生自滅的狀態耶~ 現在想起來,這樣是不是代表老師混得可以??
班上的男生們卻好像對這個section挺拿手的~ Jeff差不多都是讀完解完三篇,第四篇要拼速度的地步,動作很快;Alan和York因為平時閱讀廣泛,常常可以找到熟悉的題材,用已有的知識幫助答題,也算是個另類的解題方法??

不過對於被LSAT折磨到腦汁快被榨乾的我們來說,Game section真的還是比較受歡迎 的項目啦~ 好歹這個section比較不用煩惱英文問題,也比較有趣。
Game section裡面一共分為四個大題,一個大題裡再分為5-9個小題,一樣是35分鐘的解題時間,一樣必須和時間競賽。
可是偏偏咱們班上出了一個怪人~ York,同學給他取了一個「Lord of the Games」的封號。為什麼?? 因為在我們埋頭猛寫,四處翻找線索試圖拼湊答案的時候,這個人只會做一件事→ 什麼都不做。泡戲稱那叫「禪坐」,因為York真的會雙手環胸,啥也不做,就只是盯著題目,然後沒多久就把答案都生出來了!! 不知情的人搞不好還會以為他是偷看的哩~ 因為這位先生的試卷上永遠都是乾淨的過分~什‧麼‧都‧沒‧有

A breeder has ten birds:

Kind Male Female
Golfinches H J,K
Lovbirds M N
Parakeets Q,R,S T,W

the breeder exhibit pairs of birds cosisting of one male and one female of the same kind. At most two pairs can be exhibited at a time; the remaining birds must be distributed  between two cages. The breeder is constrained by the following conditions:

Neither cage can contain more that four birds.
Any two birds that are both of the same sex and of the same kind as each other cannot be caged together.
Whenever either J or W is exhibited, S cannot be exhibited.

Q1. Which one of the following is a possible assignment  of the birds?

  First Cage Second Cage Exhibition
(A) H,M,N J,K,S Q,R,T,W
(B) K,M,Q N,R,W H,J,S,T
(C) K,Q,S R,T,W H,J,M,N
(D) H,J,M,R K,N,S,W Q,T
(E) H,J,M,R,W K,N,S Q,T,W


Q2. Which one of the following lists two pairs of birds that the breeder can exhibit at the same time?

(A) H and J; M and N
(B) H and J; S and T
(C) H and K; M and N
(D) H and K; R and W
(E) H and N; S and W


Q3. If Q and R are among the birds that are assigned to the cages, then it must be true that

(A) H is exhibited
(B) K is exhibited
(C) N is exhibited
(D) J is assigned to one of the cages
(E) T is assigned to one of the cages


Q4. If Q and T are among the birds assigned to the cages, which one of the following is a pair of birds that must be exhibited?

(A) H and J
(B) H and K
(C) M and N
(D) R and W
(E) S and W


Q5. Which one of the following cannot be true?

(A) One pair of parakeets are the only birds exhibited together.
(B) One pair of goldfinched and one pair of lovebirds are exhibited togther.
(C) One pair of goldfinches and one pair of parakeets are exhibited together.
(D) One pair of lovebirds and one pair of parakeets are exhibited together.
(E) Two pairs of parakets are exhibited together.


Q6. If S is one of th birds exhibited, it must be true that

(A) H is exhibited
(B) M is exhibited
(C) K is assigned to a cage
(D) N is assigned to a cage
(E) R is assigned to a cage

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