Drama Version Of Ouran High School Host Club Announced
Popular anime series Ouran High School Host Club will be aired as a live action drama series. The drama will begin airing in July.
人氣系列動畫 櫻蘭高校公關部 計畫將要放送真人戲劇版。本劇將自七月開始播放。
The romantic comedy series Ouran High School Host Club started off as a manga series that debuted in LaLa in August of 2003. An anime adaptation of the series was then aired in April of 2006, becoming a hit series. Now the series will become a live action drama series in July of 2011.
浪漫喜劇系列 櫻蘭高校公關部 最初是自2003年8月開始在LaLay雜誌的漫畫。動畫版在2006年4月推出之後,成為熱門系列。現在,這個故事將要真人化,並再2011年七月開始放送。
The July issue of LaLa magazine revealed the plans for the drama version of the hit series. Ouran High School Host Club will air on TBS. Yusuke Yamamoto stars as the host club's president, Tamaki Suo. Haruna Kawaguchi stars as the female lead Haruhi Fujioka.
LaLa雜誌的七月號公佈了將這個人氣系列翻拍成戲劇的計畫。櫻蘭高校公關部的故事將在TBS電視台進行放送。山本裕典將飾演公關部的部長,須王環。川口春奈則將飾演女主角藤岡 ハルヒ。
Ouran High School Host Club is the story of Haruhi. She pretends to be a boy so she can join her school's Host Club. The romantic comedy focuses on the relationships within the club.
櫻蘭高校公關部是一個圍繞著女主角藤岡 ハルヒ的故事。她為了加入學校的公關部而假扮成男生。這部浪漫喜劇將會圍繞著公關部內的關係展開。
source: LaLa Magazine JPOPASIA
當年是因為表妹推薦所以去看了動畫版 (基本上泡也就只迷過兩部動畫,一個是櫻蘭高校、另一個是網球王子)