看來就算我結下車,khun也還是一樣不得閒阿~ 不過好消息是粉絲依舊每星期都能在電視上固定見到他啦~
2PM set to have their own variety show, “2PM Show”!
2PM準備開設專屬的綜藝節目 "2PM Show"!
CWK onJune 15, 2011 a
Popular boy group 2PM will star in a new variety program to go along with their upcoming comeback!
Starting in July, “2PM Show“ will broadcast on SBS’s E!TV cable channel with all six members, and it will mark the first time 2PM emcees a program with their name on it.
七月開始以六位成員為主的"2PM Show"將在SBS E!TV有線電視台開始放送,這將是第一個以2PM為名設立的節目。
SBS E!TV’s PD Kim Yong Kyu expressed great anticipation for the show, as he stated, “The key point is that all of the members will be included in the show. 2PM is showing great enthusiasm for the program, especially because the show will require the members to fulfill missions given to them by the viewers.”
SBS E!TV的PD Kim Yong Kyu對節目表示了極大的期待,他在受訪時說道,"節目的重點是六位成員都會現身。2PM對節目表現出極大的野心,特別是在節目中他們將會挑戰由觀眾出題的任務。"
“2PM Show” will heavily rely on social networking sites to communicate with fans and netizens alike. Currently, producers are utilizing the official “2PM Show”Twitter website to ask survey questions such as “Which member seems to have the least perseverance?”, “Who is most likely to be the best father in the future?”, “Who is most likely to get married first?“, and more.
"2PM Show"將會倚重社群網站和粉絲及網友進行對話。目前,製作組正在架設官方的"2PM Show"推特網頁以便對各項問卷進行調查,題目包括"哪一位成員看起來最沒毅力?", "哪一位成員在未來最有可能成為好爸爸?" "誰可能第一個結婚?"等等。
PD Kim commented further by saying, “We will not only focus on 2PM’s younger fan base, but also on their growing 20-to-40 year old fan base as well. The program will concentrate on unlikely mission topics like ‘Be a father for a day’ to appeal to a larger audience. 2PM will distance themselves from their ‘beastly idol’ image and will even take on a cooking mission as well.”
2PM previously starred in cable shows like “Wild Bunny” and “Idol Army Season 3” during their rookie years. However, after their rise in popularity, it is rare for all the 2PM members to appear on a single show together. As such, fans are showing fervent support for the show, especially because of the busy overseas and individual schedules the members had to endure until now.
2PM先前曾經在新人時期參與過"Wild Bunny"和"偶像軍團第三季"等有線電視台的節目。但是當他們的人氣漸漸高漲之後,觀眾們就越來越難看到成員在同一個節目裡齊聚。因此,粉絲們都對這個節目抱持很大的期待,特別是在他們目前因為海外和個人行程而總是顯得非常忙碌的時候。
Regarding 2PM’s busy schedule, PD Kim replied, “The members have shown an interest in having a show with their own name before. It is true that 2PM has a tight schedule, but the members have a strong desire to carry out the program, so I do not expect members to pull out midway through.”
The members are hoping that their program will gain the same love and popularity that idol group SMAPmanaged to have with their program “SMAPxSMAP” in Japan.
The first recording for “2PM Show” will start on June 16th and the time slot is yet to be determined.
成員們期望他們的節目會得到像日本偶像團體SMAP的專屬節目"SMAP x SMAP"一樣多的人氣和支持。 "2PM Show"的第一次錄影將會在6/16日進行,播出時間目前尚未確定。
Source: Sports Chosun, ALLKPOP