
因為不管怎麼樣受創最重的都是女生的網站,有一部分激進的B2ST飯就跑去留了一堆... er... 不是很好聽的話...
這種傷害別人的激進行為早三百年前就應該被禁止,那些人是沒有自己被這麼攻擊過所以說話都不考慮別人的感受,真的是很自私的行為。大家要對自己的言行負責,而不是以為躲在螢幕背後就可以隨便亂罵別人。明星也是人,他們也會受傷、難過,不管是節目還是舞台,那是他們工作的一部份,作為粉絲支持就好,不喜歡大不了不要看嘛~ 沒事去攻擊無辜的人做什麼呢? 節目難道是他們想上就能上的嗎? 多了曝光的機會可以讓更多人認識自己喜歡的明星不是很好? 何必這樣為難人家~
至於耀燮弟弟敢這麼直接的教訓粉絲,真的是Idol中少見的表率ㄚ~ 真的很想跟他說,梁耀燮你好樣的,真有種,帥透了!!

B2ST’s Yoseob is upset with fans for attacking Rainbow’s Jaekyung  by VITALSIGN on January 6, 2011 at 7:41 pm



B2ST’s Yoseob left an emotional message for his fans, after rumors began circulating of his possible casting with Rainbow’s Jaekyung for MBC’s “We Got Married“.

A portion of his fanbase immediately began attacking Jaekyung’s homepages by leaving hateful messages, which eventually drove Yoseob to speak out and ask netizens to refrain from doing so.

Yoseob tweeted on the morning of January 7th, “Because of the people that spat out words without any thought, the wounds are still not healing. It’s the same for anyone else, if not me.  No matter how it’s done or who they are, what I’m saying is that you cannot harm people.  Apologize.  Or shall I apologize on behalf of you?

Source + Photos: Star News via Daum


回應耀燮弟弟7號的推特發言,B2ST的Fan Cafe刊登道歉啟示,除了對載經感到抱歉之外,也一併對之前和SHW (SHINee粉絲)之間爭吵的事件做出道歉聲明,表示會反省,以後也會約束飯的行為,希望能成為更好的粉絲團。



B2ST’s fanbase posts an apology in response to Yoseob’s tweet  by VITALSIGN on January 8, 2011 at 11:12 pm


Yesterday, Yoseob took to his Twitter and asked fans to stop terrorizing Rainbow’s Jaekyung’s homepage because of casting rumors for ”We Got Married.” In response to the reprimand, B2ST’s fanclub ‘B2UTY’ has issued an official apology.


On January 7th, an apology was put up on the group’s official fancafe stating:

B2UTY Official Apology

Us B2UTYs would like to make an official apology.  We’ve caused much damage towards SHINee and the SHINee World fandom.  People under the name of B2UTY have left unrespectable posts in the SHINee fancafe and have made it embarrassing for even the stars themselves to see each other without embarrassment.

Regarding the ‘We Got Married’ rumor casting between B2ST’s Junhyung and Jaekyung, many unrespectable B2UTYs have terrorized and left hateful messages on Jaekyung’s homepage, deeply wounding her.  We truly believe that as a woman, she has been deeply hurt, and we would like to genuinely apologize for that.

For a while, B2UTYs cherished an image of respect, but due to a few unrespectable B2UTYs, it seems as if that image has not been able to be held.  We would like to apologize for the fact that we even have unrespectable B2UTYs.

From now on, we will be working hard in order to hear that we are a respectable fanbase once again.
Once again, we would like to deeply apologize.

Netizens have applauded the efforts of both that B2ST’s fanbase and Yoseob, as the latter stepped forward to stop cyber-bullying, and the former had genuinely apologized for the trouble.

Source + Photos: Sports Chosun via Daum

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