根據PD表示,亞當夫婦告別我結的最後一集放送將在15日on air,之後正式和大家說再見。
“We Got Married” announces final broadcast date for ‘Adam Couple’ by VITALSIGN on January 6, 2011 at 10:02 pm
After announcing that the ‘Adam couple’ were concluding their run on the show, representatives of MBC’s “We Got Married” have revealed the final broadcast date for Jo Kwon and Ga-In.
The representative revealed, “This week’s episode, scheduled for January 8th, will not feature the Adam Couple. The episode will consist of only the Jung Yonghwa and Seohyun couple, and the Nichkhun and Victoria couple because there is not enough footage for the Adam Couple. Their last broadcast date will be on January 15th.”
The producers are currently in the final stages of editing the couple’s last segment.
Source + Photos: Sports Chosun via Daum