從九月開始連著公司忙、上課忙、搬家忙~ 好吧~ 泡知道這都是藉口~ 其實最大的原因還是我找不到啥想寫的~
好在現在年末了~ 電視台都開始摩拳擦掌,看來可以期待一下有點意思了^^

先發幾個新聞暖暖身吧~ 恩.... 雖然就日期上來說,已經不算"新"聞了~ 不過年末了感覺還蠻適合拿來做一下本年度的回顧~
原文都在Allkpop,想要看英文版的,泡會附上連結,可以自己點去看~ 如果懶得看英文的人,泡有做了一下簡單的翻譯,不是很精確,不過大家可以湊合著看一下~ 有要指教翻譯的同學也歡迎在底下留言給泡~



Dispatch ranks the Boy Groups of 2013

The male idol groups have been bringing out their best in 2013!  While  idols who debuted seven or more years ago are taking foreign countries by storm,  the idols who debuted more recently in the period of two to three years have  been stealing the hearts in their home country, bringing about an interesting  ranking among the boy groups this year. 


Based on the boys' music scores (based on digital charts), music album sales,  music show wins, fan cafe member count, and more, Dispatch ranked these  idol boy groups accordingly.  They chose each group's best 2013 song for  each category and used those tallied points to put them in this order.


Dispatch ranking 2013 Boys  

To no one's surprise, EXO, who have been seriously gaining wide  popularity this year and quickly approaching the 1 million album sales milestone  came out on top. Other relatively new groups like B1A4 and TEEN  TOP also made the list this year while the more senior groups like  TVXQ, Big Bang, and Super Junior were still placed in the  top fourteen despite their focus on overseas promotions.  

毫無意外的,今年倍受矚目並且專輯銷量近逼百萬的EXO佔據了第一名的位子。其他近年出道的新團包括B1A4及Teen Top也都榜上有名,另外,較資深的團體例如東方神起、Big Bang及Super Junior即使目前主力都放在海外市場,也都擠進了前14名。


Just two years after their debut, EXO has become one of the top idols in the  industry.  Their most eye-catching statistic is their music sales.   'XOXO (Kiss Version)' was released in August, selling almost  240,000 copies and grabbing the number one spot in that category.  They are  not only popular in Korea but also overseas.  Their MV for "Growl"  garnered more than 14 million views on YouTube, making the group number one in  yet another category. The song became number one in the iTunes charts for three  foreign countries: Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia.  This made them tie  in second place for this category with SHINee.

出道僅兩年,EXO已經是業界的頂級偶像之一。最受到矚目的成績就是他們的音樂銷售成績。八月發售的XOXO(Kiss Version)賣出將近240,000張,並在這個項目奪魁。他們不僅在韓國人氣大熱,在海外一樣搶手。"Growl"MV在YouTube上有超過1千4百萬人次瀏覽的紀錄,幫助組合再奪下一個計分項目的冠軍寶座。"Growl"也在iTune榜單上囊括了三個海外國家,包括泰國,新加坡,印尼的第一名。這讓他們在這個評比項目中取得了僅次於SHINee的好成績。


It has been five years since SHINee debuted, yet they are still as  popular as ever.  They released their album 'Dream Girl' in February  and sold approximately 180,000 copies, putting them in second place for album  sales after label mate EXO.  SHINee are also relatively popular overseas,  coming in third place for most YouTube views.  Their "Dream Girl" MV  was viewed about 8.6 million times on YouTube.  In regards to foreign  iTunes charts, "Why So Serious?" was very popular, becoming number one in  three different countries: Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.  This makes them  tied for second place with EXO.

距離SHINee出道已有五年,但他們的人氣依舊長盛不衰。他們在二月發行了"Dream Girl"專輯,總共售出近180,000張,讓他們在這個計分項目僅落後師弟團取得了排名第二的成績。SHINee在海外的人氣也非常驚人,在YouTube瀏覽人次上,"Dream Girl"的MV有將近8百60萬人次的累積。另外,在iTune榜單上,"Why So Serious?"受到廣大粉絲的喜愛,在包括日本、台灣及香港等三地都取得了第一名的成績,這也讓他們緊隨EXO之後,站上了總排名第二的位子。


INFINITE did fairly well in Korea.  They made second place in the  category for most wins on music shows, winning once on 'Music Core,'  twice on 'Inkigayo,' and twice on 'Music Bank.'  However,  their popularity overseas is still quite lukewarm at this time.  Their MV  for "Destiny," released sometime in July, got about 4.6 million views on  YouTube.  This put them at just seventh place for that category.   However, they are sure to garner more fans as they started their six-month  world tour in August.

Infinite在韓國本地的成績相當好。他們在音樂節目獲勝次數的項目獲得了第二名,包括贏得一座Music Core的獎盃,兩度在人氣歌謠奪冠及兩度稱霸Music Bank的週計排行。不過他們在海外的人氣還沒真正開始升溫。七月問世的"Destiny"雖然在Youtube上有4百60萬人次的瀏覽紀錄,但這僅能讓他們在這個項目得到第七名的位子。無論如何,在他們八月啟程為期六個月的世界巡迴演出中,想必能吸引更多粉絲的注目。


2PM are receiving a lot of love in foreign music charts, almost making  them honorary representatives of K-pop.  They won the top spot in the  category for foreign iTunes music charts, snagging the number one spot for  "Grown" in six different countries: Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong,  Malaysia, Philippines, and Taiwan.  Their song "Come Back When You Hear  This Song" was placed fourth for both music score and sales  categories. 

2PM在海外榜單上大受粉絲們的歡迎,這也讓他們成為了韓國流行樂壇的榮譽代表。在海外iTune榜單上,他們憑藉"Grown"專輯席捲了六個國家的第一,包括泰國、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞、菲律賓及台灣,也成為這個評分項目的第一名。主打歌"Come Back When You Hear This Song"在音源及銷售成績項目上都得到了第四名。


Released in May, B2ST's "Will You Be Alright?" ranked in second  for music score despite not being the title song.  Even though they did no  official promotions for this song, it did impressively well, especially  considering that the song is a ballad and B2ST is considered a dance idol group.   B2ST came in second place for an impressive amount of appearances: twelve  fashion pictorials, five print advertisements, and two CFs.  Because of  their ever growing popularity, they garnered 50,000 more fan cafe members than  last year for a total of about 270,000 members.

B2ST在五月發表了"Will you be Alright?",雖然不是主打歌卻在音源成績上得到了第二名。即使他們沒有進行任何官方宣傳,這首歌還是取得了相當驚人的好成績,尤其是在歌曲本身其實是被劃分為抒情曲而B2ST是以舞蹈偶像團體的身分所為人熟知的情況下。B2ST同時在曝光率的項目得到第二名的成績,12次時尚攝影、五個平面廣告、兩個影視廣告。他們今年又增加了超過50,000名的粉絲,也讓後援人數增加到約270,000人,而這樣的人氣還在不斷增長當中。


Congratulations to the amazing boy groups who made the list, especially EXO for  being relatively new to the scene yet grabbing the top spot!  Check out the  full list in the bar graph and charts below to see the full breakdown.



2013 Dispatch Boy Group Ranking  



EXO今年果然大勢~ 崛起的速度之快,真的有讓人嚇到! 可見歌手真的需要神曲,"Growl"的威力驚人,泡沒記錯的話,打歌期結束歌都還留在榜單上好久~





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