重點是泡又不是婚顧、婚企、婚祕,還要這麼發瘋的關心婚禮的每一個細節.... 差不多可以考慮去換工作了我....

關心韓娛,特別是K-Pop的人可以看一下~ 雖然已經算是舊聞了~ 因為泡累到沒時間翻譯~





The Weaknesses of SM, JYP, and YG Entertainment


by schmangela - Jul 22, 2012 at 5:15 am


Below is an interesting article written by Korean media outlet, Star Today, pointing out the weaknesses of the “Big 3″ South Korean entertainment agencies.

下面是一篇由韓國媒體Star Today所撰寫的有趣文章,文章內直指三大娛樂經紀公司的弱點。

SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, and YG Entertainment are the so-called “Big 3” entertainment agencies of South Korea. With extensive planning, funding and tactical marketing, they possess a significant portion of equity in the music industry. However, even they have inevitable weaknesses.

SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment 和 YG Entertainment即通稱的"三大"娛樂經紀公司。藉由長程的規劃、資金和市場策略在樂界佔有顯著的地位。但,即使是這三巨頭仍有著不容忽視的隱憂。

To start out, SM’s weakness lies in its extremely rigid system. After its release of male idol group, H.O.T., SM has focused on “blockbuster” idols that can be well showcased. Although systematically built on the ideal idol image, overseas music trends, chic styling, and massive amounts of publicity, the SM system is still vulnerable to that ‘1% of unpredictability’. The reason being that in the case of popular music, just ‘having the secret potion and knowing the magic spell’, does not necessarily produce a hit song.


An example of this case would be newly debuted boy group, EXO. Displaying good looks, outstanding talent, endless publicity starting 100 days before their big debut, lyrics appealing to teens, and large scale music, the group possessed the formula for success, yet was unable to see results up to par with expectations.


Surprisingly enough, it was because they possessed all of the ideal elements which resulted in evaluations stating that the group does not stand out among the plethora of idol groups. Being so “typical” can display the group as lacking their own unique color. This is where SM’s “bold investments” can hinder the success of its’ artists, because the greater the investment, the greater the pressure is to bring in revenue. If going by the statement, ‘It is not the strong that survive, but rather the ones that survive are strong’, then with exception to BoA, there are no “strong” artists.


On the other hand, JYP’s biggest weakness lies in the head of the agency himself, Park Jin Young. His signature ‘simple yet catchy’ songs are the reasons why the Wonder Girls, 2PM, Miss A, and others are considered representatives of K-Pop; however all of the title songs have been his creations. Although it is said that Park Jin Young’s songs are picked even against the collection of songs the A&R team has compiled, they cannot deny the fact the at least three of the agency’s artists have yet to promote a title song produced by anyone other than Park Jin Young.

另一方面,JYP的最大問題在於公司的大頭,朴振英他自己。他的標誌"簡單而旋律琅琅上口"的歌曲是旗下歌手Wonder Girls, 2PM, Miss A等成為韓流代表的成功因素;不過這些藝人的主打歌也都清一色是他的作品。雖然朴振英的作品也和其他由A&R部門所搜羅來的歌曲一起進行比較,但不可否認的是JYP底下至少有三組藝人還沒能唱到朴振英以外製作人的主打歌。

The biggest problem musically would be that because the songs are produced by one individual, all of the songs can generally sound similar. Even in the case of 2PM’s Wooyoung, whose individuality should shine through his debut as a solo artist, one cannot help but notice the stylistic similarity of his recently revealed title song to the songs of 2PM.


Although it could be seen as a “direction of enterprise”, it can unintentionally be crippling for idol groups who are always searching for new images that appeal to audiences. In reality, six year veteran idol group Wonder Girls have yet to break out of the retro concept they created early on with songs, “Tell Me”, “So Hot”, and “Nobody”.

雖然這可以被解釋為"整體追求的方向",但也很可能在無意中使得原本應不斷追求創新形象的偶像組合在觀眾面前受到限制。最實際的例子,出道六年的Wonder Girls至今仍無法打破她們早期藉由"Tell Me","So Hot"和"Nobody"在觀眾心目中所建立的風格印象。

Last but not least, YG’s biggest weakness can be noted in their very closed system of communication. This can be seen in their relationships with broadcasting companies. YG entertainment has a particularly strong relationship with SBS compared to its relationships with KBS and MBC. Debut stages and appearances on SBS’s ‘Inkigayo’ are always a priority for groups such as Big Bang and 2NE1. As a result, KBS and MBC can seem somewhat neglected in comparison.

最後不得不提的是YG,這間公司的問題就藏在整體的溝通管道中。從他們和三大電視台的關係中可以看得出來,YG和SBS電視台有特別親密的關係,和KBS及MBC比起來更是特顯不同。Big Bang及2NE1等藝人的出道舞台和音樂節目,SBS和"人氣歌謠"永遠都有優先權,造成的KBS和MBC難以比較的結果。

When this problem turns from a simple music program problem, to the discrimination of all variety and entertainment programs, it makes it even more difficult for all other broadcasters other than SBS. SBS in reality, exclusively enjoys appearances by YG artists. During the time of Big Bang’s comeback, the broadcast station arranged an hour long special program for the group, who also appeared on many of its major variety programs, such as ‘Healing Camp’, ‘Running Man’, and ‘You & I’.

當這個問題從音樂節目轉向其他娛樂和綜藝節目時,更造成SBS以外其他電視台的困擾。當然,SBS非常獨占性的享有YG藝人所帶來的好處。Big Bang回歸時,電視台安排了整整一小時的特別節目為他們單獨宣傳,另外也讓他們在多個主要綜藝節目,例如"Healing Camp","Running man" 和" You&I" 中曝光。

This is the case not just with television, but also with newspapers, magazines, and other media. It may not be a big problem for artists that have reached a certain level of success; however that is not the case for new artists. The smallest negative matters brought up by sides that are not “alliances”, can cause a fatal blow on up and coming artists.


Another significant setback is that the agency is highly dependent on one artist, Big Bang. In the year 2010, Big Bang was responsible for a whopping 70.1% of YG entertainment’s total sales. This could mean that YG is more focused on Big Bang than any of its other artists, but it can also mean that if a problem were to occur with the group, the whole company could be at stake.

另一不可忽視的隱憂是,YG是一個高度倚賴單一藝人的經紀公司。這幾年的靠山是,Big Bang。2010年,公司收入的70.1%都是由Big Bang貢獻的。這意味著YG對Big Bang的關注遠超過其他旗下藝人,但也同時意味著萬一這團出了麼問題,整間公司都會因此而跟著動搖。

Did the arguments given above have you nodding in agreement or do you see things differently?



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